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Sensei Carroll brings the kata to life in his unique and unforgettable way. You will feel like you are in the dojo training.

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Third in the series is the relentless Kata Bassai-Dai.  The applications are studied firstly through bag work, then throwing and grappling drills, then one-on-one kumite drills then lastly the kata itself.  Sensei Carroll brings the kata to life in his unique and unforgettable way.  You will feel like you are in the dojo training.  You will sweat, you will jump in your seat, and you will even answer "Oss!" when Sensei asks if you understand.

Bassai-Dai is primarily a training film designed to give you ideas for training in your own dojo.  Each element of the film can be accessed from the photographic chapter menu for easy navigation.  Individual techniques are broken down and beautifully demonstrated by experts in a natural and easy-to-follow format.  Any 2-minute section of the film contains enough ideas to fill a session in the dojo.

Once the techniques are mastered, the kata will come alive in your mind, and when practising the kata, you won’t be simply moving around the dojo shouting... you will be at war!  Put on your gi and enjoy Bassai-Dai.

Featuring: Sensei Mark Carroll
Format: DVD     Rating: 18(R)