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There are known habitual acts of violence and known ways they are initiated. Kata Kanku Sho has many ways of dealing with these attacks, all hidden in plain sight

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This film was shot in Cornwall on a course at which Sensei Mark Carroll wowed students with his interpretation of Kanku Sho. 

It was a three-day course, hosted by Sensei Steve Mattison and his St Ives club, full of interesting concepts and explanations of how we can perform the kata with an understanding of its practical techniques in mind. 

There are known habitual acts of violence and known ways they are initiated.  Kata Kanku Sho has many ways of dealing with these attacks, all hidden in plain sight.  Sensei Carroll has a special gift that extracts real meaning from kata.  He shares this knowledge with us through kumite and street kata, which then translate so beautifully and seamlessly into dojo kata.  

A deep understanding of kata leads to the inevitable conclusion that kata is the root of everything in karate.

Featuring: Sensei Mark Carroll
Format: DVD     Rating: 18(R)