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Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Dojo - just when you thought you knew what to expect - Sensei Carroll introduces a new idea

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Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Dojo - just when you thought you knew what to expect - Sensei Carroll introduces a new idea.  Not just an isolated concept, but an idea of unification, a way of cementing the mental bond between kata and bunkai.  

Working in pairs, each student practices first the bunkai, then the "street kata" - the bunkai movements performed in exactly the same way but without an opponent - then the kata itself.  

When you’re training with Sensei Carroll, all elements of training come together in a single, unified art.  By comparing the movement and power of ocean waves with the kata,  Sensei Carroll helps the student to allow the power of this beautiful kata to flow.

Featuring: Sensei Mark Carroll
Format: DVD     Rating: 18(R)